Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Case Analysis For The Tiger Woods Foundation Term Paper

Case Analysis For The Tiger Woods Foundation - Term Paper Example Tiger World Challenge was changed to Chevron World Challenge. The aim of this program was to pursue a tag of $ 5million. Tiger, hosts his own PGA tour. He co sponsors tournaments. He wins most of these golf events. The five-time tour wins, he donated the money back to his foundations, to ensure that the lives of the American children are comfortable (Skyzinki, 2006). No company currently that builds sustainable employee commitment and success around their brand and heroes. I feel there is an urgent need and commitment in leadership to drive the community to a continuous change in the entire organization. A business community that shares vision and same practices promote dialogue ensuring solid future leaders in the organization. Many exist and studies interview show the real story between the employees and employers. The company employees must have faith in their managers. If they do not have faith, they will leave the company. The middle management is under attack from time memorial. The Business re-engineering unit claimed that the middle class sub- optimize the turf builders. The turf builders prevent the company from operating in full efficiency. Technological evolution is making people believe that companies’ hierarchies are not needed in companies. I feel that the employees ought to communicate directly to any department in the company. The leadership effort that develops the companies’ goals and missions are focusing on the top potentials. They then neglect the middle class in the company. The management cannot motivate others before motivating the top management first. Many of the middle management is not motivated. This makes most of the middle class workers leave the company for othe r companies These events and programs are aimed at impacting and benefiting millions of lives of the American children (Londing, 2012). Tiger World Challenge was changed to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Sports and Resistance in the United States Essay Example for Free

Sports and Resistance in the United States Essay In his book entitled What’s My Name Fool? Sports and Resistance in the United States, author Dave Zirin presents a thought provoking and inviting glimpse look at the polluted industry of sports as well as the brilliant personalities who played significant roles in its history. The author utilizes the achievements of the black athletes and that of the Olympic Project for Human Rights (OPHR) in order to connect the problem of racial discrimination. All the black athletes are playing an important role in establishing their social status. Even though many people would rather not admit it, professional sports in the American scene are certainly more than just a piece of entertainment. Professional sports in the country are considered to be an institution. It also forms a fundamental element in the country’s popular culture. For a majority of men, sports, whether in the form of a plain discussion, as a spectator, or actually playing the game constitutes an integral part of socialization. For a guy who would not want to be dismissed as an odd or nerd, must have an interest in sports to the very least. This fascination in sports usually transforms later on into somewhat bordering a passion. Sports were in essence absurd. The audience is kept sidetracked, passive, and amused whereas issues of great importance are devoted little consideration. Even though there is a certain amount of truth to the following claims, what the author presents in his unique and captivating book is much more multifaceted than where the observation may lead to. Pulling from a source of significant milestones in the history of sports, for instance, the plight of the African American athletes during the Olympics held in 1968, summed up by the painful breaking of the color line at the Major League Baseball by Jackie Robinson, the stripping off the belt of Muhammad Ali for refusal to train for the United States armed forces, and John Carlos and Tommie Smith’s currently infamous â€Å"Black Power Salute† at the medal platform, the author details a political impact of professional sports that was usually being dismissed, overlooked, or utterly kept secret (Zirin, 2005; Green, 2008; Nader, 2005). The most important insight derives from the author’s outline and discussion of the significant milestones in sports history prior to the year 1990 (Zirin, 2005). His drawing out from the history of revolutionary undertakings in the struggle for communal and economic justice provides even for the most avid sports fanatic a novel insight. Zirin’s introduce to his readers the inspiring story of Lester Rodney as a sportswriter. This chapter gives a standpoint on the history of sports which is not often emphasized (Zirin, 2005). The boldness of stealing home to serve as a symbol of a potential for societal transformation in the following chapter likewise brings in fascinating insights concerning the one who destroyed the color barrier in Major League Baseball back in the year 1947. Although a great deal of literature has been afforded to Robinson, the author stresses about the relationship that existed between him and other leaders and athletes, in particular, Malcolm X, Joe Loius, Paul Robenson, and Martin Luther King, Jr. A reflective insight is presented about Robinson as a brave figure rather than as a activist in the latter years of his existence. The author illustrates the manner in which sports usually mirror the times besides being an agent of its change. It begins with a fascinating recount of the political history of American sports by stressing certain important milestones prior to presenting a compilation of his latest personal articles and interviews with the personalities who played a primary role to shape the American sports scene (Zirin, 2005). The personalities include Lester Rodney, Lee Evans, John Carlos, and George Foreman (Zirin, 2005). The author is a bold progressive and his book is visibly penned down from that stance. The parallelism between the subjects of politics and sports is conferred in the framework of the battle of the underprivileged for a more impartial society. It also speaks of the concessions triumphed over against the odds, as well as the struggles combating the evils of racial discrimination and sexism. The book presents a novel standpoint on different personalities who made an impact during their lifetime. For example, do a lot of people recognize that Rodney’s writings were instrumental in accenting the racially prejudiced nature of professional football and drove to integrate? Do a lot of people recognize how rebellious and conceited Jackie Robinson was and what how instrumental he is in the struggle for civil liberties before his death, or that among of his utmost disappointments was letting others use him to serve their purpose, and his bearing witness in opposition to Paul Robeson? Do they even grasp that boxers were yet to have union and be granted medical care? How about other than attributing the infamous black gloved power salutation at the Olympics held way back in 1968 that John Carlos even went barefoot to voice disapproval for the black destitution in the United States? Even so, George Foreman’s act of waving an undersized American flag after winning the gold medal at a boxing match be compared with Carlos and Smith though that he was simply politically unmindful to what was happening during that particular moment in history (). The author is evidently mocking those who conceal sports in nationalistic language to fulfill their personal interest but eventually throw stones at certain athletes whose beliefs and behaviors find faults in societal and economic inequalities. In a manner of speaking, the ones who sincerely work and trust according to the standards of democracy and echoes the most sacred of all values which is otherwise known as the right to dispute. Zirin’s book is sure to spark an interest in sports enthusiasts, history buff concerned with the American sports scene, or even aggressive journalists. It is also a good research material for sociology, culture, and history. The stories recounted are not plain feel good sports narratives. The accounts speak of invariable moral courage possessed by the athletes. They describe about the great tolls they confronted in their personal and professional lives. The stories remind the audience of how they made a difference in the sports scene for themselves as well as for their co-athletes and supporters who rely on their strength of character. Even for those whose interest in sports may have waned can still agree that the book does an excellent job in discussing a topic that is hardly ever mulled over but nonetheless is quite interesting talk about. Zirin’s work offers an interesting read for the American sports scene enthusiasts, but particularly those who have been or still are managing the shame of having an unfaltering interest in sports, though there are certainly more things of greater significance to divert their attention to. As the country progresses, it was clear that people are willing pay what it might cost them to witness sports played at its finest. The 20’s and 50’s, decades having comparable economic conditions witnessed this concept grow (Black, 2007; Sailes, 1998). These years were decades of urbanization and development (Black, 2007; Sailes, 1998). It was around these times when media technology delivered sports via the radio waves and later on to the television screens right the comfort of the audiences’ homes. Most significantly, these were the years following violent world wars that left the world seeking for help, diversion, and a form of relaxation. Besides developing into a lucrative form entertainment for the masses, professional sports in the United States turned out to be a successful tool for the financial and political leaders to endorse their standards and principles. This is the reason why American sports mirror a markedly American venture, originating from the hopes for excellence, triumph and oppression. The American sports are unique in its own right taking pride in calling their athletes as champions of their respective leagues. References Black, S. (2007). Talking Back Sports. Canadian Dimension, 41, 47. Green, J. (2008). Muhammad Ali: Champion of the World. Book Links, 17, 8-9. Nader, R. CommonDreams. org. (2005). What’s My Name, Fool? Sports and Resistance in the United States. Retrieved September 30, 2008, from http://www. commondreams. org/views05/0806-24. htm. Sailes, G. A. (1998). African American in Sport. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers. Zirin, D. (2005). What’s My Name Fool? Sports and Resistance in the United States. Chicago: Haymarket Books.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Overpopulation :: Human Population

During the first 2 million or so years of its history the human population was a minor element in the world ecosystem, with at most 10 million members. In the New Stone Age, less than 10,000 years ago, the number of humans began to increase more rapidly. The rough equilibrium maintained before Neolithic times gave way when the human population developed agriculture and animal husbandry and no longer had to spread out in search of game. With the abandonment of a hunting-gathering way of life and the rise of permanent settlements and eventually cities, the human population underwent dramatic growth. By the beginning of the Christian era it had reached 250 million, and by 1650, half a billion. Growth of population during 20th century was very rapid. In 1994 the total world population was estimated at about 5. 6 billion people. It increased nearly by 4 billions of people during past 100 years. The most significant world trend is that death rates are currently falling in poor and rich countries alike, while birthrates remain high in most poor countries and low in most rich ones. Exceptions are the generally higher death rates of Africa and the high birthrates of the rich oil-producing countries. The most populous countries, in descending order, are China, India, the United States, Indonesia, Brazil, and Russia. The U.S. population totaled about 260. 8 million in 1994. In the 1990s about 4. 1 million children were born annually in the United States, and more than 2. 1 million persons died yearly. The greater number of births is due in part to a fertility rate that has increased by nearly 20 percent since the mid-1980s. International immigration, both legal and illegal, is another major element in U.S. population growth. Legal immigration has recently amounted to about 1 million per year; illegal immigration is thought to be several hundred thousand. In China, the world's most populous country, the 1994 population was estimated at nearly 1. 2 billion, more than double the 1953 census population of 584 million in mainland China. China's annual increase has been estimated at 1. 1 percent annually. India's population of more than 911. 6 million people (1994 est.) is increasing faster than that of China, and if present trends continue, it will soon catch up with or surpass China. Since the disintegration of the USSR, Indonesia and Brazil are now the fourth and fifth most populous countries, with 1994 estimated populations of 199.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

McDonaldization of Society

Ritzer’s theory of McDonaldization proposes a new interpretation of modern world order, social structure of society and business relations. Efficiency is one of the main components of McDonaldization. Ritzer (2000) explains: â€Å"McDonald's offers efficiency, or the optimum method for getting from one point to another. For consumers, this means that McDonald's offers the best available way to get from being hungry to being full† (9). Efficiency helps companies to adopt particular cause of action. Efficiency means the best solution to meet the needs of parties involved. Efficiency involves the identification of a problem or issue which requires consideration. At this stage there will be a decision to do nothing or pursue the issue. For instance, fast food restaurants help customers to save time and money. People can buy meals in a short period of time ‘without leaving their cars’ (9). Efficiency can be explained as rationality, fast service delivery and low cost solutions.   Continued change is inevitable and likely to develop at an even faster rate. â€Å"The fast-food model offers people, or at least appears to offer them, an efficient method for satisfying many needs† (10). A salad bar is a vivid example of efficiency: a customer buys a plat and creates a salad himself. By keep ­ing the objectives in mind and always looking for ways in which both parties can work together to achieve their common objectives, it should be easier to reach a mutually acceptable service. If efficiency concept is followed, the company is required to identify possible courses of customers’ action to solve the problem. is a travel agency which follows an efficiency principle in order to deliver quality services at low cost. ‘Self-service’ is the main tool used by Expedia Travel. A client can plan his trip or vocation according to his budget and wants. A client calculates the price of his trip himself and can reduce its cost choosing a cheaper hotel or flight. This self-service presents opportunities for diverse customer groups. This approach is interesting to everyone who wants to plan a good vocation at low cost. On the other hand, a client is forced to spend more time on planning and organizing process, mastering new technology and computer skills. The case of Expedia travel shows that in changing environment, the use of technology requires more problem solving skills and the ability to interpret data. Routine tasks requiring a low level of skill are disappearing fast. Used in conjunction with flexible planning, efficiency requires a customer’s participation in service delivery. Using this approach many firms adopted that principle understands it as clients’ participation in planning which have the potential to improve the quality of their work. Any improvement here is said to be beneficial. Important in the above is the recognition that involvement of clients in examining problems and seeking to develop solutions is only one part of the efficiency approach. Moreover, all manner of developments and improvements are discussed in the context of the strategy that management has agreed upon in order to turn the company around. Through involvement of all parties and by bringing in new skills new ways of doing things are sought. Ritzer’s concept of ‘efficiency’ shows that involvement of a customer/client in service delivery process helps companies to reduce operational costs and time. Ritzer underlines that a modern consumer pays for this privilege. Beyond this it is essential that customers are given a chance to seek out and develop cost-effective solutions. Works Cited Ritzer, G. The McDonaldization of Society. Pine Forge Press; 2000.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Why Metal Music Does Not Create Violence in Teenagers

Loud, aggressive, and fast, metal music has been accepted worldwide as an acceptable genre of music. Yet, some people cannot comprehend a genre of music that thrives on being the horror movie of music, and purposefully creates controversy at nearly every turn. â€Å"The media has irresponsibly finger-pointed† (Sterngold). One of the most recent examples of metal being blamed for a national tragedy was in the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Here, a song by Drowning Pool was blamed as the sole motivator for the shootings. However, the most prolific example of the media irresponsibly finger-pointing at metal music has to be the case of Columbine. After the Columbine shootings, the authorities placed sole blame on Marilyn Manson and his music for the shootings suggesting that Manson’s music, or his fans, incite violence (Sterngold). The only problem with their claims was the fact that the two shooters did not listen to, nor where they fans of, Manson’s controversial music. This brings the question of whether or not the claims placed on metal music for leading to violent behavior are true and can be supported. An example of what those who think metal has a direct correlation to violence say that Manson’s music promotes â€Å"hate, violence, death, suicide, drug use, and the attitudes and actions of the Columbine High School Killers (D’Angelo). However, the other side of the story can be best stated by Slayer drummer Dave Lombardo when he said, â€Å"We’re telling stories. It’s not actions-it’s just music. It’s fantasy stuff, just putting thoughts on paper, that’s a crime? † (Considine). Although metal is dark, heavy, and often times inappropriate, it does not have a negative effect on an otherwise normal and productive listener, especially teenagers, because metal is just a different genre of music, meaning that its lyrics do not have a negative affect on an otherwise normal listener. To begin, artists are too often misinterpreted and bashed with claims that are stretched to the point of lies, creating the opinion that all of their listeners can be stereotyped into a select, violent, group. One case of this can be with the band Slayer, one of the most popular thrash metal bands of all time. Slayer has been sued multiple times and is one of the most controversial bands in history. The band was sued twice by California parents who claimed their daughter was murdered in a ritual inspired by Slayer’s music, yet both suits where dismissed (Considine). It also really frustrates the musicians who work so hard to make music, only to see themselves harmed because of it. As Lombardo says sarcastically, â€Å"If they take my drums away, I guess I can’t play any more. But I don’t see that happening, unless I’m living in a Communist culture. † (Considine). It also agitates the fans who feel that they are misconstrued and all used as inferior examples of what music can do to people. Slayer’s fanbase contains more MENSA members than any other metal band (Considine). At this point in time it is also safe to say that people know what they are getting into and what to expect from a band named Slayer. No, this is no band for virgin ears, but this does not give reason for it to be said that they immediately turn everyday human beings into monsters. Slayer knows that where they go, controversy will naturally follow, and this for years has been a successful marketing tool (Considine). Although Slayer is only one example, this idea spreads all the way to people trying to explain violence, and finding scapegoats throughout the media with similar attributes to metal. Also, violence in the media has often been exaggerated, and statistics are often inaccurate to the point where a consistent thesis is no longer possible. According to James K. Fitzpatrick, a former teacher at a Catholic school, his former students who listened to metal went on to lead successful, calm, lives, which in his opinion, proved that the lyrics of songs do not have long term effects on the listener. It also brings to mind exactly why kids in an environment like this would choose metal, when it is certainly not condoned or accepted. It can be inferred that they chose this because of the idea that it would offend adults and others in their lives. According to Fit zpatrick, perfectly normal kids listen to â€Å"shock rock†. There are certain types of kids who like being associated with music that offends some adults (Fitzpatrick). There is an emphasis with Fitzpatrick that lyrics are not detrimental to listeners in the long term and that they are in the end generally meaningless in the quality of a persons life. He states that â€Å"I have seen fans of other rock groups that caused great anxiety to parents in the 1980s†¦mature in a similar way. † (Fitzpatrick) Another reason for the explanation of why violence is often exaggerated can be the fact that violence is so often overstated since we see so little of it. As Rhodes said ‘we live in one of the least violent eras in peacetime history’†(O’Hehir 32). Our society has surely changed in the way we view violence since we are exposed to so little of it. Out society has also changed because of the way we deal with violence. It used to be that we ensured we avoided it all times. Now it seems like we almost react positiv ely to certain types of violence. By viewing violent entertainment individuals will leave with pent up tendencies gone, and anger released (Sparks 115). It seems as though times are truly changing and that in fact violent lyrics do not make mad men, and violence can in fact do some good for certain people. Next, is the fact that metal music is often scapegoated for events where people’s emotions run high, and accusations fly because people feel a need to know a reason. Metal is often first blamed but a majority of these claims are false and without proof. A majority of these claims stating that metal lyrics lead to long term mental problems have been biased, in-conclusive, or accurate. As Harvard physiologist Steven Pinker wrote, â€Å"Media violence research has been flawed and in-conclusive at best, and a great funding scam at worst. † (O’Hehir 25). These claims are strong, and his claims have been backed up by other sources fighting against the claims of others. MIT Professor Henry Jenkins observed that the idea that violent entertainment had consistent and predictable effects on viewers was â€Å"inadequate and simplistic. † (O’Hehir 27). Another reason for the increased blame put on metal is the rise of the digital age, and with it the rise in metal music videos and horror movies. Some would go as far to say that these videos alter the mind producing a mentally unstable person. Yet, as others would claim, media depictions of violence are inherently attractive to the masses, only truly affecting a few people, and are never the sole reason for any mental instability. This is called the Aesthetic Theory of Vandalism or The Aesthetic Theory of Destruction. The theory states that the same things that account for the enjoyment associated with socially acceptable experiences are similarly responsible for the pleasure associated with acts of destruction. Not to mention the fact that from what limited televised media there was in the 1950s and 1960s, a majority of it was uncensored, and unregulated. 50s TV was profoundly routed in guns and gunfire, to a degree that would provoke outspread outrage today (O’Hehir 31). The explanations for blaming metal are not true and barely factually based. Furthermore, metal does not have an affect on the mental stability of a listener, and the there have yet to be a definitive solution to explain that it does. In short, it becomes apparent that there is no correlation between metal and violent behavior, and in fact anger can released when listening to metal. It is also true that metal being blamed for social problems can be generalized into the topic of media violence being blown out of proportion when in fact, our society is generally less violent and more regulated than in previous generations. The question becomes, what can be done about it? The gap between the fans of metal and those against it has always been a large gap, and one that has rarely attempted to be bridged. First, it takes understanding that it is not okay to generalize fans and bands into a group of â€Å"evil† people, and understand also that a majority of the listeners understand that indeed the music they listen to is offensive, and that they enjoy that aspect of it. Certain people who want to listen to this music will, and if they like it, obviously they will continue (Fitzpatrick). It is also important to truly know the person, and never assume that something like listening to a genre of music immediately translates into a personality characteristic or flaw. People like violent in your face things in spite of, not because of, violence only in rare circumstances where the media itself is too good for the violence to negatively affect the experience. † (Sparks 115). When debating the human psyche it is important not to let emotions, biases and judgments interfere with rationale. It is important to listen, and look at facts, proof, and remember that those who appear like a â€Å"metalhead† would, are very different people than you may think.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Wordsworths Nature

worth’s word ch... Free Essays on Wordsworths Nature Free Essays on Wordsworths Nature Wordsworth’s Nature In most of Wordsworth’s poetry he seemed to try and make the reader aware of their environment, of their dependence on it for health, sanity and ultimate happiness. He wanted to nature to confirm that love, joy and beauty were not just fragile human values but cosmic absolutes. Often Wordsworth used unique methods of sensory perception as well as combining the physical world with nature on a more personal, subjective level. Much of his poems use these and other techniques to display the possibility of living contently, looking within nature for inspiration and fulfillment. Wordsworth’s poem Animal Tranquility and Decay, which he wrote in 1798, merely twenty-eight years into his existence, displays his early realization of such perceptions. This poem uses a oblivious man walking as a subject to demonstrate the possibility of absolute happiness outside of physical pain. Animal Tranquility and Decay represents a connection between nature, as the physical world, a nd how we live (or the subject of the poem in this case) as a result of it. Wordsworth begins the poem with an simple image. A useful technique to introduce the physical setting of the poem. The little hedgerow birds, That peck along the roads, regard him not. He travels on, and in his face, his step, His gait, is one expression: every limb, The image of this man walking and the birds not paying him any mind, not caring about his presence, is very effective in beginning to create the character’s personality. This is not unlikely for Wordsworth to develop the personality of the characters in his poems with a minimal amount of words and although it is not always possible to decipher whether or not this is intentional, it is none the less effective in turning the poem into something more personal for the reader. Even Wordsworth’s word ch...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Anthro assignment Essays

Anthro assignment Essays Anthro assignment Essay Anthro assignment Essay A second ethical issue that could arise from genetic testing would be that it might be hard to interpret the information about the child through facts and online readings. If a mother decides to abort her child due to a gene mutation she doesnt consider positive, she isnt giving this child a chance to possibly fight it and live longer than expected. Theres not a chance given if the mother takes it away. Lastly, another ethical issue regarding genetic testing would be that it could rut the mothers attitude towards her pregnancy. Some mothers may not be emotionally sound enough to handle the information if it may be bad and that can take a toll on the overall pregnancy. #3 One bias Diamond could have would be the fact that hes Jewish. ATA-Cash seems to be more prevalent in Jewish communities and seeing that Diamonds Jewish this could make the content of his article more geared towards how much it affects Jewish descendants. A second bias or baggage that the author could have is that Hess a male so that could make it a little reader for him to understand or comprehend how the woman might feel during this time. This impacted the article because I think that when he talks about abortions and the options after MIS more matter of fact than sentimental. I think if a woman had written this maybe her nurturing side would have been more prominent than Diamonds views. Lastly another bias see Diamond express in his article is that hes older. I think this impacts the article because he has a lot more facts and explanations that he has gained ever time so it helps him make his point and outline what he has to say. 4 One possible reason the ATA-Cash allele still remains prevalent in certain populations even though they no longer live in ghetto-like environments is because the gene could have been mutated to fit into another environment. Humans and mutations are forever evolving and adapting to this world so TFH gene for ATA-Cash could have changed.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to End a Conversation With Sayonara

How to End a Conversation With Sayonara Click here for the dialogue for Introducing People. 1. Short Questions When asking information about someones name or country etc., a shortened form of a question is often used. This leaves just the topic, which is said with rising intonation. O-namae  wa  (nan desu ka).        Ã‚  (What is) your name? 㠁Šå  Ã¥â€° Ã£  ¯Ã¤ ½â€¢Ã£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£ â€¹Ã£â‚¬â€š O-kuni  wa  (dochira  desu ka).     Ã‚  (Where is) your country? 㠁Šå› ½Ã£  ¯(㠁 ©Ã£  ¡Ã£â€šâ€°Ã£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£ â€¹)。 Go-senmon  wa  (nan desu ka).     (What is) your field of study? 㠁”å °â€šÃ©â€"ۋ  ¯(ä ½â€¢Ã£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£ â€¹)。 2. How to End a Conversation Sayonara㠁•ã‚ˆã  ªÃ£â€šâ€°) is not normally used when leaving ones own home or places of temporary residence unless one is leaving for a very long time. If you know that you will see a person again soon, expressions like Ja mata 㠁˜ã‚Æ'㠁 ¾Ã£ Å¸) or Mata ashita (㠁 ¾Ã£ Å¸Ã¦ËœÅ½Ã¦â€" ¥) are used.Shitsurei shimasu  (Ã¥ ¤ ±Ã§ ¤ ¼Ã£ â€"㠁 ¾Ã£ â„¢) is a formal expression used when announcing that you are leaving someones presence or when you are leaving before someone else (in this case, it is often said as Osakini shitsurei shimasu(㠁Šå…ˆã  «Ã¥ ¤ ±Ã§ ¤ ¼Ã£ â€"㠁 ¾Ã£ â„¢).) It is also used when entering a house or room, passing in front of someone, or leaving in the middle of a gathering. Dewa  mata.                    See you later.   㠁 §Ã£  ¯Ã£  ¾Ã£ Å¸Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ‚              Ã‚   Ja  mata.                             See you later. (less formal) 㠁˜ã‚Æ'㠁 ¾Ã£ Å¸Ã£â‚¬â€š Mata  ashita.                    See you tomorrow. 㠁 ¾Ã£ Å¸Ã¦ËœÅ½Ã¦â€" ¥Ã£â‚¬â€š Sayonara.                          Good-bye. 㠁•ã‚ˆã  ªÃ£â€šâ€°Ã£â‚¬â€š Shitsurei  shimasu.     I am going to leave.  (very formal)  Ã‚   Ã¥ ¤ ±Ã§ ¤ ¼Ã£ â€"㠁 ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€š

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Brora Scottish Cashmere Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Brora Scottish Cashmere - Article Example It is a privilege to be writing an article on this personally beloved, globally renowned Cashmere brand. Victoria Stapleton who is the founder, owner and creative director at Brora, was brought up in the North of England, which is home to the Scottish cashmere industry. Having lived so close to the hub of the cashmere industry Victoria often found herself in the mills, as she â€Å"spent many childhood hours browsing mill shops and feeling the delicious quality of their cashmere†. In 1990 when her family got involved with ‘Hunters of Brora’, a 100 year old tweed mill, Victoria jumped at the opportunity to get involved and was soon managing the mills retail venture. Having been brought up in an entrepreneurial family she knew that she wanted to have her own business one day. The experience of working in a mill and gaining knowledge of how a business is run â€Å"†¦sowed the seeds for the founding of Brora†. Victoria began her entrepreneurial career by o pening a retail outlet in London and now, Brora has expanded its outlets all over the UK, the most recent being opened in Cambridge, Covent Garden and Westbourne Grove in London. Brora is a retail company that strongly follows the philosophy of ‘Buy British’. ... e clothing manufactured by the company is produced in mills which are situated in the UK, using only the finest raw materials and carefully selected yarn from selected herds. Being a private and democratically run company not only builds a strong relationship with the customers that Brora caters to but also with the suppliers and employees that are associated with the company. Brora has a strong culture of workmanship & camaraderie within the company. People who work there don’t often leave, primarily because the company is socially responsible towards its workers. There is a true-to-the-word democratic process involved in all core decision making efforts and this practice of mutual consultation is not only confined to the insides of the organization, in fact every customer is treated as part of the family. Brora claims that every customer is a friend & thus, should be treated like one, â€Å"The Company is run personally and democratically and this ethos extends to our custo mer, who becomes a good friend with whom Brora has a relationship, built on honesty & trust.† The clothing collection at Brora offers a variety of beautiful and luxurious products for women, men, children and babies, all available in a various materials for everyone in the family. The company is dedicated to producing affordable clothing for every age group, where each collection is dynamic with a wide variety of colors and designs to choose from. No matter what piece of clothing or accessories you choose, it will give you a luxurious and stylish aura. It is vividly evident that each clothing collection is a result of Victoria’s love for the arts and the natural beauty of the Scottish landscape, which offers her a vivid palette to work with; â€Å"When I want a focused day of inspiration, I do love

Friday, October 18, 2019

Marketing Strategies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing Strategies - Research Paper Example When the companies take the decision for expanding and diversifying their businesses across the national boundaries, it is important for them to take into consideration various factors that are important for the successful operation of the company on the international scale (Keegan and Green 2008). The focus is to formulate a strategy regarding the international operations of Algerian wine in the UK market. Algerian Wine is a wine that is made from a country of North Africa in Algeria and is among the renowned name in the history of wine. Algeria is known to be one of the oldest producers of wine in the world. For the Romans, Algeria is considered to be the breadbasket and vineyard throughout the history of viticulture starting from the Roman Empire. Algerian wines have been seen to prosper the world with constant prosperity because of the fact that they have their own unique characteristics. Algerian wines are produced in five major regions that include The MEDEA region, The ZACCCAR region, The DAHRA region, The MASCARA region, and The TLEMCEN region. The aim of the company is to export the Algerian Wine called Coteaux De Mascara from Algeria into the market of UK. Coteaux De Mascara is termed to be the red wine from the Atlas Mountains. This wine belongs to The MASCARA region. This region has been well renowned in terms of producing wines with distinguished features. The wines produced in this region are considered to be robust and well structured. They are of good colour, and consist of high level of alcohol up-to 14 percent. All the wines of Algeria are distinguished with taste of deep berry flavours and the fragrance of roses and raspberries. For the purpose of data collection, various scholarly journals and articles will be selected, which will help in retrieving adequate information in relation to the international marketing. Secondary data will be helpful in collection of adequate and authentic information.

Women, the Hammurabi Code Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Women, the Hammurabi Code - Essay Example he following rules might broadly be challenged these days but their legitimacy in the distant past was considered as obvious (The Code of Hammurabi, 2010): (1) the sexuality of women should be given up to guarantee legality; (2) the assets of the family should be managed by the male members; and (3) women, particularly divorcees and widows needed the help of society ( Most women were supposed to marry and raise a family. A reasonable set of love poems would indicate that women did enjoy some authority, but marriage, theoretically, was fixed by their brothers or fathers. As stated in the Hammurabi Code, an agreement was required to perform a marriage. According to the few that exist, the agreements stated primarily what would occur if the matrimony ended through abandonment or divorce, or death, but other passages might let off each from the prenuptial obligations of the other or even oblige the bride to work as a slave to her husband’s mother (Meyers, 1991). The major article to be discussed was the amount of the bride price: If a woman who lived in a man’s house made an agreement with her husband, that no creditor can arrest her, and has given a document therefore: if that man, before he married that woman, has a debt, the creditor cannot hold the woman for it. But if the woman, before she entered the man’s house, had contracted a debt, her creditor cannot arrest her husband therefore (151). It is well-known that unsophisticated societies made use of bride price to pay off the family of the bride for labor loss and Israelite culture limited it to a symbolic amount as a sign of engagement. The bride price in Babylonia constantly became piece of the dowry (Meyer, 1991). The bride price, depending on socioeconomic standing, could embody a considerable wealth transfer, possibly several hectares of land and house—however, at the lower socioeconomic hierarchy it might have been little more than a piece of home decoration

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Analysis of My Genetic Inheritance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis of My Genetic Inheritance - Essay Example My younger brother Larry is very close to my Father. I am not sure why this is, but I think it might be because he is very cute, and he likes the same sports as my Dad. They do things together sometimes, such as watching particular sports programs on tv, and I can see that they both like this very much. My Dad never did that with me when I was his age, and I think maybe as Dad gets older he is not so busy with work, and he likes to spend time with Larry to relax. Dad was not close to his own father, and I am guessing that he wants to make up for that with his own sons, or at least one of them. I am really happy about this because it shows that a person can break free from the patterns that they experienced themselves as a child, and they can make a new start with the next generation. My older Brother Mark has left home and does not have much contact with the rest of us in the family. I used to be a bit afraid of him because he always seemed to be a person that wants to be in control. Now I think maybe he had a difficult job, being the oldest of three boys, and he used to argue a lot with my father. He is the same age as one of the cousins on my father’s side, and I think that he learned some bad habits from him, such as drinking and smoking. I would not be surprised if he even takes drugs, because he was never that impressed with rules and authority. It seems that alcoholism is a common occurrence in my father’s side of the family. My Dad talks about his brothers sometimes, and the mischief they got involved in when they were teenagers. I can see that he has changed since then, and that is probably due to the influence of my mother. She does not drink alcohol, and although she is not totally against it, she would prefer if her family stays away from things that make them behave badly. My brother seems to have a very independent mindset, and it may be that he has inherited this from my grandfather on my father’s side. The cousin that he used to spend time with his now broken contact with his parents and he lives in some community in Nevada. I am not sure what that is all about, but it may have something to do with alternative lifestyles and a kind of resistance to mainstream American values. My older brother does not follow the same kind of crazy ideas that my cousin does, but I think he is disillusioned with his job and wishes he could move away from this state and start something new in a different place. He is certainly more rebellious than my younger brother and me, and I think in the future he might surprise everybody by doing something quite amazing. He is the brightest of us all, but he chooses not to study hard, and so it is possible that one day he will come back to our way of thinking and do something useful with his life.  Ã‚  

Contemporary Dance Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Contemporary Dance - Thesis Example Perhaps one important fact to note is that visual arts, which were initially part of the musical dance, had been significantly diluted by the 20th century. This was especially so due to the elimination of the painting works that was so common in the duration that the whole meaning of music lost sense. Additionally, the pigmentation aspect in terms of music choreography underwent significant change on the onset of modern music, hence eliminating the significance of color in music choreography. When it comes to poetry and other literary works, poetry stands in direct contrast with the emotional expressions that the romantics bring about. In a similar manner, the contemporary novels focus more of the facts of the matter rather than going deep into the description of the characters and phenomena involved. This has greatly diluted the many literary and artistic works over the years, thus making them less desirable compared to other areas of creativity. As far as dialogues are concerned, two types of human personality exist, one depicting that human beings react rationally to various situations that come their way. Human beings react according to their beliefs and not the consequences however expensive the consequences might be. On the other hand, some scholars like Susan belief that human beings are both practical and logical meaning that they react in a reasonable and realize manner according to the situations that face them. The truth of the matter is that the vocabulary of the moral feeling is undoubtedly the most influential concept arising out of the belief in the inner self.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Analysis of My Genetic Inheritance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis of My Genetic Inheritance - Essay Example My younger brother Larry is very close to my Father. I am not sure why this is, but I think it might be because he is very cute, and he likes the same sports as my Dad. They do things together sometimes, such as watching particular sports programs on tv, and I can see that they both like this very much. My Dad never did that with me when I was his age, and I think maybe as Dad gets older he is not so busy with work, and he likes to spend time with Larry to relax. Dad was not close to his own father, and I am guessing that he wants to make up for that with his own sons, or at least one of them. I am really happy about this because it shows that a person can break free from the patterns that they experienced themselves as a child, and they can make a new start with the next generation. My older Brother Mark has left home and does not have much contact with the rest of us in the family. I used to be a bit afraid of him because he always seemed to be a person that wants to be in control. Now I think maybe he had a difficult job, being the oldest of three boys, and he used to argue a lot with my father. He is the same age as one of the cousins on my father’s side, and I think that he learned some bad habits from him, such as drinking and smoking. I would not be surprised if he even takes drugs, because he was never that impressed with rules and authority. It seems that alcoholism is a common occurrence in my father’s side of the family. My Dad talks about his brothers sometimes, and the mischief they got involved in when they were teenagers. I can see that he has changed since then, and that is probably due to the influence of my mother. She does not drink alcohol, and although she is not totally against it, she would prefer if her family stays away from things that make them behave badly. My brother seems to have a very independent mindset, and it may be that he has inherited this from my grandfather on my father’s side. The cousin that he used to spend time with his now broken contact with his parents and he lives in some community in Nevada. I am not sure what that is all about, but it may have something to do with alternative lifestyles and a kind of resistance to mainstream American values. My older brother does not follow the same kind of crazy ideas that my cousin does, but I think he is disillusioned with his job and wishes he could move away from this state and start something new in a different place. He is certainly more rebellious than my younger brother and me, and I think in the future he might surprise everybody by doing something quite amazing. He is the brightest of us all, but he chooses not to study hard, and so it is possible that one day he will come back to our way of thinking and do something useful with his life.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Sport marketing assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sport marketing assignment - Essay Example His experience applies a lot in my career where I am studying at a level that is considered of an older age. His experience is evidence that age does not determine how successful you will be in your career. The class guest mentions that studying at a young age can be overwhelming, but with the proper attitude and determination, it is possible to make it. The performance of the franchise was so poor that there was a joke to personify the franchisee. Radio hosts often teased their listeners and told them that they could win a first prize, which was two tickets to the nuggets game and the second prize would be four tickets to the nuggets game (class guest). However, the class, guest did not let this ridicule pull him down or throw him off course. He knew if he were successful in the franchise, he would have a chance at getting far with his career. No matter what people talked, he stuck to his vision and with determination and calculated moves, he made the difference. In my career, people always talk down and tell me how it is impossible to make it. If I follow the experience of the class, guest, I will definitely make it to the highest point of my career. When the guest joined the Nuggets, they were averaging about 4000 in season ticket sales. This situation made it hard for him to introduce himself as the vice president of the Denver Nuggets. When the guest made these comments, it seemed impossible for the Nuggets to get back on their feet. However, the most insightful thing that he mentions is how they were able to transform the franchise from the situation; it was into the success that the franchise had only three years to make it or break it. It is not easy to improve a business of such magnitude in such a short time. Doing so involves a lot of dedication and determination. Another factor that was working against them while struggling to improve the franchise was the pressure that was coming from the

Monday, October 14, 2019

Parts of a Newspaper Essay Example for Free

Parts of a Newspaper Essay A .Headline- the words are printed in a large type across the top or a news paper article to catch the reader’s attention B. Dateline- the words at the beginning of a news article that tell when and where the story was written. C. News article- in a news paper, a story about an event that has just taken place. D. Feature Article – a detailed report on a person, an issue, or an event. E. Editor – one of the people who run a newspaper F. Editorial – an article in which the Editors give their opinion on an important issue. G. International – tells you about the news across the continents. H. Business tells you the things that are happening business-wise. (media and advertising, world business, economy, stock markets, mutual funds, etc. I. Technology – contains things that are going in and out of style in the technology world. J. Science – contains things that are happening in medical world. (e.g. outer space, environment, etc.) K. Health – talks about modern day human health and health problems. I. Sports – talks about games. (ball games, Olympic games, SEA games, etc.) M. Education – contains the trend n the world of education. (students’ Achievement, schools, etc.) N. Weather – contains the weather for the day O. Obituaries – contains people who passed away and their death should be mentioned to the community. P. Classified Ads – contains open jobs and job description plus job requirements. Other parts include: Cover Page Story, Table of Contents, Editors Pool, Entertainment, etc. Commentary is a series of giving explanations and interpretations Guidelines in Writing a Commentary: There is no recipe for doing commentaries. The elements that make up a successful commentary tend to vary and will depend on the nature of the text and on particular approaches to it. Nor is there a single ‘right answer’ to any passage for commentary. A good commentary may well consist of a number of pertinent questions raised by the passage. However, certain tendencies should be avoided: 1. A commentary should not be prà ©cis of the passage. Summary and description are not commentary. 2. A commentary should not dwell on the context of the passage and should in general avoid venturing into other parts of the work from which the extract is taken. IT should likewise avoid excursions into the wider oeuvre of the author 3. It is not necessary to write out quotations from the passage this can waste valuable time. The following points should be considered: 1. A commentary benefits by paying close attention to the use of language. 2. 2. IT is important to pay attention to the means of representation and to address not only the quest of WHAT is said but of HOW it is said. 3. There is no need to ascribe to the text a definitive meaning or structure. It is fine to problematize the text. Critique – is a method of disciplined systematic analysis of a written or oral discourse. Critique is commonly understood as fault finding and negative judgement, but I can also involve merit recognition, and in the philosophical tradition. It also means a methodical practice of doubt. The contemporary sense of critique has been largely influenced by the enlightenment critique of prejudice and authority, which championed the emancipation and autonomy from religion and political authorities. Critique is an accepted format of written or oral debate. Stating a Purpose: * It is important to state your purpose clearly at the beginning of your talk. Here are some ways to do this: * *talk about – to speak about a subject Example: I’d like to talk about our plans for the new site. * *report on – to tell you about what has been dine. * Example: I’ll be reporting on the progress we have made since last meeting. * *take a look at – examine * Example: First, let’s take a loo at what we have achieved so far. * *tell you about – to give someone information or instruction. * Example: Our reporters will tell you about what is happening in Visayas. * *show – to explain something by doing * Example: The object of the orientation is to show you how to put the theory into practice. * Outline – to give the main facts or information * Example: Give me an outline of the new policy. * *Fill you in on – to give extra or missing information * Example: I will fill you in on the details you just missed during the meeting. * *Give an overview of – to give a short description with general information but with no details. * *highlight – draw attention to or emphasize important facts. * *discuss – to talk about ideas or opinions on subject in more detail

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sainsburys Team And Leadership Behaviour

Sainsburys Team And Leadership Behaviour Introduction In this assignment I need to understand the team and leadership behaviour. The organisation I have chosen to look at is Sainsburys where I was a former employee. Sainsburys plc is a leading food retailer supermarket. The Scenario that I have presented took place when I was working at Sainsburys which will highlight what team skills took place. The main focus in my report is on leadership I will analyse the group interactions and interdependence that were implicated by applying appropriate theories from the Team Skills. This will then enable me to draw conclusions and offer recommendations for improvement. Sainsburys background Sainsburys plc is a leading food retailer supermarket, founded in 1869; it is the longest standing and the third largest supermarket in the UK. Not only is Sainsbury Britains largest retailer of food and wine but it is also the most respected, according to the reportings of the nationwide surveys of industry analysts and company directors. The company has received top or near-top ratings for product and service quality, successful development, profitable pricing, overall financial performance, advertising and marketing, and superior management, as well as recruitment, training, and retention of high-calibre employees. Characters The four characters that I have chosen to look at have different roles within the company however; they all play an important part in the scenario which shows their great team working skills. I have highlighted their roles within the store (Please see appendix 1). The Scenario I used to work in Sainsburys as a cashier and one day when I was working over-time there was a power cut. The store manger Clive called all the supervisors down to the check outs department and said we need to get all the customers out of store and so the check out manager Kristina done a tannoy on the speaker telling all the customers to leave the store due to the power cut. Meanwhile the store assistant manager, Duncan was calling the Head Office to inform them that the store had a power cut. Imran the supervisor of frozen foods than done a call out to all the staff asking them to leave the building and come to the main entrance of Sainsburys. After arriving to the main entrance of the building all the staff got in groups of 8 which were led by a supervisor. We then had to take the customers cold products and put them in the big fridge at the back of the warehouse which was running on a generator. The staff got told by the store manager Clive that all the cold products of the shelf had to be taken off and put it in to big plastic boxes which then went in the big fridge at the back of the warehouse. There were four supervisors; Amy, Dave, Steve and Imran, I was in imrans group and our task was to take of all the milk products off the shelves and put it at the back to the warehouse where the big fridge was. After we done the milk section we were then asked to do the yogurt section, in total it took us 3 hours, 1 hour more than we expected, this meant that the store lost out on 3 hours of business. After the store reopened I got told by my group supervisor to stand on the door n greet all the customers and tell them all the cold products cant be sold due to a power cut. After a few hours we got the power back and Clive the store manager asked a lot of the staff to do overtime and put all the cold products back on the shelves. The staff doing the over time were split in to 3 groups of 5 and in total it took us four and a half hours to put all the cold products ba ck on the shelf. Transcription of Interaction The dialogue that took place between the main characters in the scenarios described above shows the team work that took place (Please see appendix 2). Theories The trait approach to leadership arising from the great man theory identifies the key characteristic of a leader as being successful. Stodgill (1974) identified a list of main traits and skills that a successful leader should acquire. According to Stodgill, a good leader should possess the trait of being able to adapt to different situations, should be alert to social environments, be ambitious and achievement-orientated. As well as this a good, successful leader should be assertive, cooperative, decisive, dependable and dominant in the sense that they should have the desire to influence others. Stodgill also highlighted a good leader to be energetic, persistent, self-confident, tolerant of stress and willing to assume responsibility. The key skills that Stodgill identified as vital for a successful leader are that they should be creative, conceptually skilled, diplomatic, tactful, knowledgeable about group task, organised, persuasive yet socially skilled. The contingency theory proposed by fiedler (1964) states that they is no one way that is best for managers to lead, different situation will require different leadership style for a manager. The managerial situation depends on various internal and external factors such as the working environment. Fiedler identified 3 situations that could describe the condition of a managerial task; leader member relation, this refers to how well the managers and staff get along, task structure which relates to how structured the job is, position power which associates with how much authority the manager possesses. It has been noted that task oriented managers tend to be better in situation in which they have good relationship with good leader member relationship, structured task and a strong position of power. Leader member relation refers to the amount of dependability and support that the leader receives from his or her employee. The Herschey-Blanchard situational theory (1977) suggests that the appropriate leadership style depends upon the developmental level of maturity of the subordinates. This means that in order to establish the appropriate leadership style, the leader must first establish the maturity level of the subordinates in relation to the task that they are trying to accomplish. According to Blanchard the key situational factors are the readiness and developmental level of the subordinates and therefore four different leadership styles have been recognized; directing, coaching, delegating and supporting. The path-goal model of leadership proposed by Evans (1970) and House (1971) suggests that an individuals motivation depends upon their expectation of the reward. According to Evan the most important way that managers can motivate employees is by offering them reward and indicating what they must do to earn that reward. Analyse scenario Although the staffs at Sainsburys have been trained on what to do when there is a power cut, it still occurs unexpectedly, there is no one best way of leading that particular situation, moreover, a leadership style that is effective in one situation may not be effective in another although they may be similar situations. The optimal leadership style is dependent upon many of the internal and external factors; therefore, in this instance the contingency theory of leadership can be applied (Fieldler 1964) as nobody including the store manager Clive expected this to happen however, he was alert and adapted quickly to the situation. As the store manager to be a successful leader, Clive had to think quickly and act fast, therefore the situational leadership theory proposed by Hersey and Blanchard (1977) can also be applied to this scenario. He took the leader role and communicated well with all the staff by keeping them all informed and assigning them to jobs. Mullins (2002) describes leadership as the relationship through which one person affects the action or behaviour of another, from the scenario we can see that Clive leadership qualities affected the rest of the staff as they felt more motivated and knew what they had to do. Duncan used his initiative and thought of calling the head office and informing them nevertheless he still asked for Clives advice. The same applied to Imran as he thought of gathering all of the staff together however, he still asked Clive first. Clive possesses many of the traits and skills identified by Stodgill (1974) we can see from the way he handled the situation that he has the ability to adapt to different situations and is alert to what is happening around him. In addition to this we can see that as a store manager he is a good leader because he is cooperative with his staff, dependable because the rest of the staff rely on him and empowering because off the influence he has on others. We can also see that he did not panic, was organised and tactful in his approach. Clive assigned job roles according to the level of maturity of the workers; this is in consistent with the Hersey-Blanchard theory. From the scenario we can also see that Kristina took lead as well as she was assigning the supervisors on what section of the cold products to work. Imran was also a leader of his group and took a leading role of his group. Recommendations for improvement Conclusion The scenario shows that relevant leadership skills were in place and therefore the situation was handled successfully although some faults that did occur could have been avoided which has led me to present recommendations for improvement that could be used for future reference. The leadership skills presented in the scenario are also in consistent with the leadership theories that have been established. All the characters displayed leadership qualities even though they had different roles within the company; they still worked as a team to resolve the issue. References Evans, Martin G. (1970). The effects of supervisory behavior on the path-goal relationship. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 5: 277-298. Hersey, P. and Blanchard, K. H. (1977). Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources (3rd ed.) New Jersey/Prentice Hall House, Robert J. (1971). A path-goal theory of leader effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly 16: 321-339. Fiedler, F. E. (1964). A Contingency Model of Leadership Effectiveness. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology (Vol.1). 149-190. New York: Academic Press. Mullins, L. (2002) Management and Organizational Behaviour. 6th ed. FT/Prentice Hall Mullins, LJ (2007), The Nature of Leadership, Management and OB (8e) Stogdill, R.M. (1974). Handbook of leadership: A survey of the literature, New York: Free Press Appendix 1 Character Position Duties Behavior Clive Male, 35 years old Store manager Clives main duty as the Store Manager is to look after the whole store meaning that all managers of all departments report to him. He has the leading role in the store and has to support all staff. He is very charismatic, a strong leader always interested in getting results. Although at times he can be described as authoritarian and arrogant. Duncan Male, 28 years old Store assistant manager As the store assistant manager Duncans main role is to assist Clive in supporting staff and managing the store when he is not present. He is a reliable, organized and motivated individual. Kristina Female, 38 years old Checkout manager Kristinas main duties are to supervise all staff working in the check-outs departments as well as cashing up the money at the end of the day. She is a very friendly, sociable, confident leader that looks for attention to detail although sometimes may appear to be bossy and dominant. Imran Male, 36 years old Supervisor Imran is a supervisor of the frozen foods department. His main duties are to supervise all workers in that department as well as assisting his manager and managing the department when his manager is absent. Although experienced and of a very helpful nature, Imran is lazy and does not keep to his time keeping. Jessica Female, 20 years old Checkouts operator Jessica is a check-out staff, her main duty is to serve the customers the products they want and to help them with any queries that they have. She is a bubbly and friendly person.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Compare and Contrast the Way in which Emerson and Thoreau Represents Am

In the year of 1600’s, the United States of America was being colonized by European countries especially by England. However, on 4th of July 1776 America became independent after having drafted the â€Å"Declaration of Independence† initiated by Thomas Jefferson [History of the United States, Wikipedia]. The difference between these two time periods shows that Britain had colonized America for about 176 years which ultimately led to prosper European cultures. Although America became an independent nation, European culture was still playing its role. Therefore, American writers namely Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau presented an idea about American Identity. Emerson in The American Scholar and Thoreau in Walden represents the idea of American identity by connecting this concept with nature and individuality but Emerson presents his idea about American identity in an intelligent manner whereas Thoreau uses mockery to present his idea. Emerson and Thoreau both have connected the idea of nature and individuality to represent an American identity. Well, the reason for both the writers having mentioned nature and individuality is because they are transcendentalist. Ralph Waldo Emerson had first published nonfiction essay called Nature which brought about a movement called the transcendentalism (1840-1855) [American Literature Timeline, Honors American Literature]. This movement influenced many writers amongst who is Henry David Thoreau. Transcendentalism believed in individuality being affected by politics and religion. They also believed in God being reflected in nature. Emerson and Thoreau both being transcendentalist had different ways of presenting their ideas about transcendentalism with regard to American identity. Emer... ...divert away from such cultures and to create a unique American identity, two transcendentalists Ralph Waldo Emerson in his literary work The American Scholar and Henry David Thoreau in Walden represents the idea of an American identity with relation to nature and individuality. However, Emerson presents his concept on American identity intelligently whereas Thoreau uses mockery to present his idea on American identity. Works Cited American literature timeline. Retrieved from .pdf History of United States. Retrieved from Emerson, R.W. (1907). The American Scholar. In Essays. Retrieved from http://www. Thoreau, H.D. (1854). Walden; or life in the woods. Retrieved from http://www.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Hdfc Bank Essay

The first modern bank was founded in Italy in Genoa in 1406, its name was Banco di San Giorgio (Bank of St. George). Many other financial activities were added over time. For example banks are important players in financial markets and offer financial services such as investment funds. In some countries such as Germany, banks are the primary owners of industrial corporations while in other countries such as the United States banks are prohibited from owning non-financial companies. In Japan, banks are usually the nexus of cross share holding entity known as zaibatsu. In France â€Å"Bancassurance† is highly present, as most banks offer insurance services (and now real estate services) to their clients. 1.2 DEFINITION: The definition of a bank varies from country to country. Under English law, a bank is defined as a person who carries on the business of banking, which is specified as: †¢ Conducting current accounts for his customers †¢ Paying cheques drawn on him, and †¢ Collecting cheques for his customers. 1.3 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: The Objective of this on the job training is to study the importance of the potential customers and their value to the bank and creating the awareness among them about the importance of current accounts and keep a good relationship with them for the bank’s benefit. 1.4 ORIGIN OF THE BANK: The name bank derives from the Italian word banco â€Å"desk/bench†, used during the Renaissance by Florentines bankers, who used to make their transactions above a desk covered by a green tablecloth. However, there are traces of banking activity even in ancient times. In fact, the word traces its origins back to the Ancient Roman Empire, where moneylenders would set up their stalls in the middle of enclosed courtyards called macella on a long bench called a bancu, from which the words banco and bank are derived. As a moneychanger, the merchant at the bancu did not so much invest money as merely convert the foreign currency into the only legal tender in Rome- that of the Imperial Mint. 1.5 PRESENT STATUS OF THE BANK: Worldwide assets of the largest 1,000 banks grew 15.5% in 2005 to reach a record $60.5 trillion. This follows a 19.3% increase in the previous year. EU banks held the largest share, 50% at the end of 2005, up from 38% a decade earlier. The growth in Europe’s share was mostly at the expense of Japanese banks whose share more than halved during this period from 33% to 13%. The share of US banks also rose, from 10% to 14%. Most of the remainder was from other Asian and European countries. . The US had by far the most banks (7,540 at end-2005) and branches (75,000) in the world. The large number of banks in the US is an indicator of its geography and regulatory structure, resulting in a large number of small to medium sized institutions in its banking system. Japan had 129 banks and 12,000 branches. In 2004, Germany, France, and Italy had more than 30,000 branches each—more than double the 15,000 branches in the UK. 1,6 FUTURE OF THE BANK : The future is integration as people will have less time for banking. People will want to process more transactions on the Internet. There will be more activity in terms of applications and services on the mobile. Geography will not be an inhibitor any more as everything is executable on the Net. â€Å"Integration is the next real big thing. As a customer you will want a one-stop shop that will take care of all your needs. For instance people will want to buy their mutual funds, redeem their mutual fund, buy insurance policies, renew policies, buy cinema tickets, railway tickets, and numerous similar transactions through the bank. The ATM will still serve as a cash dispensing medium, but the Internet and mobile will be very active†. [pic] 2.1 ORIGIN OF THE ORGANIZATION : H.D.F.C was set up on 17th October, 1977 by I.C.I.C.I. out of the consideration that a specialized institution was needed to channel household savings as well as funds from the capital market into the housing sector. H.D.F.C. has emerged as the largest mortgage finance institution in the country. The main objective of H.D.F.C. is to develop significant expertise in retail mortgage loans to different market segments and to have a large corporate client base for its housing related credit facilities. The main aim of H.D.F.C. is to support or aid in the promotion of home ownership. H.D.F.C. is India’s leading housing finance company and for all practical purposes is synonymous with the domestic housing finance industry. The primary objective of H.D.F.C is to enhance residential housing stock and promote home ownership. One of its major objectives is to increase flow of resources for housing through the integration of housing financial institutions with the domestic market. H.D.F.C. has developed a strong market reputation large shareholder base and unique consumer franchise. H.D.F.C. is India’s premier housing finance company in India as well as in international markets. It has maintained a consistent and healthy growth in its operations to remain the clear market leader in mortgages in India. The company has been constantly engaged into innovation and innovative practices since its birth. 2.2 GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ORGANIZATION: HDFC Bank reported a 43 percent growth in net profit at Rs.75.5 crore for the third quarter ended December 31, 2001, as against Rs 52.8 crore in the corresponding quarter previous fiscal. The jump in net profit was primarily due to other income which almost doubled to Rs 85.5 crore from Rs 47.5 crore. Speaking to analysts at a conference call today, January 15, 2002, Paresh Suthankar, head – credit risk and investments, reiterated the bank’s earlier guidance of a 25-30 per cent compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) in its top line for the next two to three years. The bank does not see any reason to revisit its guidance and stands by it. It expects the projections to hold true as long as the market environment is relatively stable and does not move to an extreme of either a boom or a total bottoming out. The bank is open to acquisitions as a vehicle of growth, but any growth via acquisitions would be over and above its projected growth rate of 25-30 per cent. At present, it is not working on any deal but there are acquisition prospects in the Indian scene, giving rise to opportunities for inorganic growth. The bank’s exposure to capital markets is around 6-7 per cent, against the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) norms of 5 per cent. The bank expects to bring it down to within the stipulated limit by the end of this fiscal. The bank has made a lot of headway in its retail thrust with retail accounts going up to 1.9 million from 1.4 million a year back. The branch network now stands at 147 outlets in 63 cities and the ATM network at 360 compared to 231 ATMs as on March 31, 2001. The debit card base is at six lakh. On the advances side, car loans have really picked up and now form almost 50 per cent of the total retail advances, with the remaining being accounted for by loan against securities and other loans. In fact in case of car loans, the bank now covers around 30 cities against just eight-nine a year back. 2.3 PRESENT STATUS OF THE ORGANIZATION: HDFC Bank Limited provides various financial products and services. It operates in three segments: Personal Banking, NRI Banking, and Wholesale Banking. The Personal Banking segment provides savings, and current and fixed deposit accounts. It also offers personal, home, two wheeler, new car, used car, gold, education, healthcare, commercial vehicle, working capital, construction equipment, and warehouse receipt loans. In addition, this segment provides safe deposit lockers; credit, debit, and prepaid cards; mutual funds, general and health insurance, bonds, and equities and derivatives products; and forex and payment services. The NRI Banking segment’s deposit products include rupee savings accounts, rupee current accounts, rupee fixed deposits, foreign currency deposits, and accounts for returning Indians. Its loan products comprise home loans, loans against securities, loans against deposits, and gold credit cards. The Wholesale Banking segment offers funded services, which consist of working capital finance, short term finance, bill discounting, and export credit; and non-funded services, such as letters of credit, bank guarantees, and collection of documents to corporations, and small and medium enterprises. It also various services to banks, financial institutions, mutual funds, stock brokers, insurance companies, commodity businesses, and trusts. As of March 31, 2008, it had a network of 761 branches and 1,977 automated teller machines in 327 cities in India. [pic] 2.4 FUNCTIONAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ORGANIZATION: HDFC Bank Limited is located in New Friends Colony, New Delhi. This organization Includes functional departments as follows: 1. Current Account Department 2. Saving Account Department 3. Trade Department 4. Salary Department 5. Cash Department 6. Demat Account Department 2.5 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE AND CHART: [pic] 2.6 PRODUCT AND SERVICE PROFILE OF THE ORGANIZATION: HDFC Bank mainly provides three kinds of banking services: †¢ Personal Banking †¢ NRI Banking †¢ Wholesale Banking The following are the products and services provided by the HDFC bank HDFC Bank provides loans like Personal Loans , Home Loans , Educational Loans , Two Wheeler Loans , New car Loans, Used Car Loans, Overdraft Against Car, Express Loans, etc. HDFC Bank provides Credit, Debit and Prepaid Cards to help you meet your financial objectives. HDFC Bank provides facilities like Mutual Funds, Insurance, General & Health Insurance, Bonds, Financial Planning, Knowledge Center, Equities & Derivatives, and Mudra Gold bar. If you need to deal in foreign currency and keep tabs on exchange rates every now and then, transfer funds to India, make payments etc., HDFC Bank has a range of products and services that you can choose from to transact smoothly, efficiently and in a timely manner. With HDFC Bank’s payment services, you can bid goodbye to queues and paper work. HDFC’s range of payment options make it easy to pay for a variety of utilities and services. HDFC Bank provides many typ es of accounts like: †¢ Saving Account †¢ Current Account †¢ Demat Account †¢ Salary Account HDFC Bank has designed two programs to make banking easier for the customers and they are †¢ HDFC Bank Preferred Programme †¢ HDFC Bank Classic Programme. HDFC Bank offers Private Banking services to high net worth individuals and institutions. HDFC Bank offers you quick, economical and convenient options to remit and transfer funds to India. Corporate Banking reflects HDFC Bank’s strengths in providing our corporate clients in India, a wide array of commercial, transactional and electronic banking products. HDFC Bank acts as an active medium between the government and the customers by means of various services. 2.7 CURRENT ACCOUNT IN DETAIL: Features & Benefits: [pic]Free Account to account funds transfer between HDFC Bank accounts Free payment and collection through RTGS. Free payment and collection using NEFT (through Net banking) Free up to 50 Demand Drafts per month and can be issued from any HDFC Bank Branch Free up to 50 Pay Orders (PO) per month and can be issued from any HDFC Bank Branch. Free anywhere collection & payment transactions (clearing) within HDFC Bank branch network (except Dahej), up to Rs.100 lacs per month. Convenience to withdraw & deposit cash at all our branches* Free 300 â€Å"At Par† cheques leaves per month. Register for InstaAlert service and receive updates on your account as and when the select transaction happens – all this without visiting the branch or ATM! HDFC Bank offers you Doorstep Banking*, a channel, which is convenient, secure and hassle-free. Now, you can enjoy the benefits of banking right at your doorstep. The Bank will arrange to render the services like Cash & Cheque Pickup and Cash Delivery, through a reputed agency. Enjoy facilities like 24-hour Phone Banking, Net Banking and Mobile Banking that helps you check your balance & transaction details, find out the status of your cheque or stop cheque payment. Fees & Charges for Plus Current Account: Minimum Balance (Average Quarterly Balance)—————-Rs. 100,000/- Non-Maintenance Charges per quarterCharge of Rs.6,000/- per quarter, if AQB is less than Rs.50,000/- Charge of Rs.1, 500/- per quarter, if AQB is less than Rs. 100,000/- but > = Rs. 50,000/- Cheque Book Charges (Issued by Bank)——-Payable-at-par Free 300 cheques leave per month. Charges Rs 2/- per leaf beyond 300 leaves Remittance facility through own Bank: Demand Drafts (DD) payable HDFC Bank Locations (Issued from any branch) / Duplicate DDFree up to 50 DDs per month. Above 50 transactions, charges @ Rs. 25/- per Demand draft Pay Orders (PO) – on HDFC Bank Locations (Issued from Any Branch) / Duplicate PO Free up to 50 POs per month. Above 50 transactions, charges @ Rs. 25/- per Pay-order Issuance of DD/ PO through Phone BankingAll standard charges for DD / PO are applicable as above. Only DD / PO amount up to Rs 500,000/- are accepted at Phone banking. DD/PO-Cancellation/RevalidationRs.50/- per instrument NEFT/EFT Transactions: Payments————-Free Collections————Free RTGS Transactions: Payments————-Free Collections————Free Local Transactions (At home branch location) : Local cheques collections & payments—————————————Free Account to Account Fund Transfer within HDFC Bank- —————–Free Anywhere Transactions (except Dahej) Account to Account Fund Transfer within HDFC Bank-Free Payments & Collections at HDFC Bank Locations-Free up to Rs.100 lacs per month, beyond which charges @ Rs. 0.50/1000, min Rs. 25 Bulk Transaction ChargesAll transactions are subject to a maximum of 250 transactions per month, beyond which charges @ Rs.5/- per transaction would be levied. Includes all Local / Anyhwere clearing and transfer transactions Remittance facility through other Bank: Issue of Demand Drafts (DD) / Duplicate DD (Correspondent tieup)Rs.2.00 per Rs.1000/- Minimum Rs.50/- DD-Cancellation / Revalidation—-Rs.50/- per instrument Cheque Collection: Outstation through own bank——Collection: Free, only courier charges of Rs 20 per instrument Outstation through another bank (Correspondent bank locations) : Rs.4/- per Rs.1,000/-, min Rs.50/-For Clean locations (non-correspondent bank locations) & Non-MICR Cheques: Rs.6.5/- per Rs.1,000/-, min Rs 50 (inclusive of courier charge of Rs 25) Cash Transactions : 1. Cash Deposit Cash Deposit-Home Branch Location—-Free up to Rs.10 lacs per month or 50 transactions which ever is lower, Deposit in excess of Rs.10 lacs or 50 transactions will be charged @ Rs.2/- per Rs.1,000/-, minimum Rs.50/-. (Cash deposit at non-home branches within home-branch city subject to limit of Rs.100, 000/- per account per day) Cash Deposit -Non Home location——–Maximum Rs.100, 000/- per day. Charges @ Rs. 3/1000, min Rs. 50 2. Cash Withdrawal Cash Withdrawal-Home Branch—Free at Home Branch Cash Withdrawal-Non Home Branch-Intercity & Intracity——Free up to Rs.50,000/- per day, beyond which charges @ Rs.2/1000, min Rs.50/- (Only for incremental amount), Third party cash withdrawal allowed only up to maximum Rs. 50,000/- per transaction. Features & Benefits [pic]Free Account to account funds transfer between HDFC Bank accounts. Free RTGS/NEFT Transactions. Free up to 30 Demand Drafts (DD) per month and can be issued from any HDFC Bank Branch. Free up to 30 Pay Orders (PO) per month and can be issued from any HDFC Bank Branch. Free anywhere collection & payment within HDFC Bank branch network (except Dahej), up to Rs.50 lacs per month. Convenience to withdraw & deposit cash at all our branches* Free 200 â€Å"At Par† cheque leaves per month. Register for InstaAlert service and receive updates on your account as and when the select transaction happens – all this without visiting the branch or ATM! Fees & Charges for Trade Current Account [pic]Description of Charges Minimum Balance (Average Quarterly Balance) ——-Rs. 40,000/- Non-Maintenance Charges per quarter———Charge of Rs.1,200/- per quarter, if AQB is less than Rs.40,000/- Cheque Book Charges (Issued by Bank) ———-Payable-at-par 200 cheques leave Free per month. Charges Rs 2/- per leaf beyond 200 leaves Remittance facility through own Bank Demand Drafts (DD) payable HDFC Bank Locations (Issued from any branch) / Duplicate DD Free up to 30 DDs per month. Above 30 transactions, charges @ Rs. 25/- per Demand draft Pay Orders (PO) – on HDFC Bank Locations (Issued from Any Branch) / Duplicate PO Free up to 30 POs per month. Above 30 transactions, charges @ Rs. 25/- per Pay-order Issuance of DD/ PO through Phone Banking All standard charges for DD / PO are applicable as above. Only DD / PO amount up to Rs. 500,000/- are accepted at Phone banking. DD/PO-Cancellation/Revalidation——————-Rs.50/- per instrument NEFT/EFT Transactions: Payments————————Free Collections———————–Free RTGS Transactions : Payments————————Free Collections———————–Free Local Transactions (At home branch location) Local cheques collections & payments————————————-Free Account to Account Fund Transfer within HDFC Bank —————-Free Anynhwere Transactions (except Dahej) Account to Account Fund Transfer within HDFC Bank——————Free Payments & Collections at HDFC Bank Locations———————Free up to Rs.50 lacs per month, beyond which charges @ Rs. 0.50/1000, min Rs. 25 Bulk Transaction Charges All transactions are subject to a maximum of 150 transactions per month, beyond which charges @ Rs.5/- per transaction would be levied. Includes all Local / Anywhere clearing and transfer transactions. Remittance facility through other Bank Issue of Demand Drafts (DD) / Duplicate DD (Correspondent tie up) —–Rs.2.00 per Rs.1000/- Minimum Rs.50/- DD-Cancellation / Revalidation————————————-Rs.50/- per instrument Cheque Collection Outstation through own bank————–Rs. 0.50/1000, min Rs. 25 per instrument Outstation through another bank———-Correspondent bank locations: Rs.4/- per Rs. 1, 000/-, min Rs.50/-For Clean locations (non-correspondent bank locations) & Non-MICR Cheques: Rs.6.5/- per Rs.1,000/-, min Rs 50 (inclusive of courier charge of Rs 25) Cash Transactions 1. Cash Deposit Cash Deposit-Home Branch Location Free up to Rs.5 lacs per month or 40 transactions which ever is lower, Deposit in excess of Rs.5 lacs or 40 transactions will be charged @ Rs.2/- per Rs.1,000/-, minimum Rs.50/-. (Cash deposit at non-home branches within home branch city subject to limit of Rs. 50,000/- per account per day) Cash Deposit -Non Home location Maximum Rs.50, 000/- per day. Charges @ Rs. 3/1000, min Rs. 50 2. Cash Withdrawal Cash Withdrawal-Home Branch Free at Home Branch Cash Withdrawal-Non Home Branch-Intercity & Intracity Free cash withdrawals up to Rs.50, 000/- per day, beyond which charges @ Rs.2/1000, min Rs.50/- (Only for incremental amount), Third party cash withdrawal allowed only up to maximum Rs. 50,000/- per transaction. HDFC Bank Trade offers you a host of features that sets it apart from regular Current Accounts that most banks offer. They are: Free inter-city clearing between HDFC Bank branch locations (except Dahej) up to Rs.50 lakhs per month. Free Accounts to account funds transfer between HDFC Bank accounts, inter-city. Free up to 30 Pay-orders per month. Free up to 30 demand-drafts per month. Free RTGS & NEFT Transactions. Features & Benefits Free anywhere collection & payment within HDFC Bank branch network (except Dahej), up to Rs.25 lacs per month, incremental amount to be charged @ Rs.1.50 per Rs.1,000/-, min Rs.25/- Free NEFT Transactions. Free RTGS collection. RTGS payment @ Rs.100/- per transaction. Inter-city Account to accounts funds transfer between HDFC Bank accounts at a nominal charge of Rs.15/- per transactions. Free Demand Drafts (DD) above Rs.100,000/-. Demand drafts up to Rs.50,000/- at flat cost of Rs.40/-. DDs above Rs.50,000/- & up to Rs.100,000/- at nominal cost of Rs.25/- and can be issued from any HDFC Bank Branch . Free Pay Order (PO) above Rs.100,000/-. Pay Order up to Rs.50,000/- at flat cost of Rs.40/-. POs above Rs.50,000/- & up to Rs.100,000/- at nominal cost of Rs.25/- and can be issued from any HDFC Bank Branch . Free 100 â€Å"At Par† cheque leaves per month Register for InstaAlert service and receive updates on your account as and when the select transaction happens – all this without visiting the branch or ATM! Fees & Charges for Premium C/A Description of Charges Minimum Balance (Average Quarterly Balance) ————————-Rs. 25,000/- Non-Maintenance Charges per quarter—————————–Charge of Rs.900/- per quarter, if AQB is less than Rs.25, 000/- Cheque Book Charges (Issued by Bank) Payable-at-par————————100 cheques leaves Free per month. Charges Rs 2/- per leaf beyond 100 leaves Other Current Account facilities Issue of Duplicate / Adhoc Statement Branch: Rs 100/- per statement * Phone Banking: Rs 50/- per statement (Non IVR) and Rs 30/- per statement (IVR) Net Banking: Rs 30/- per statement ATM & Mobile Banking: Rs 50/- per statement. Mode of calculation of minimum average quarterly balance Average of daily closing balances of each day spread over a period of three months. Remittance facility through own Bank Demand Drafts (DD) payable HDFC Bank Locations (Issued from any branch) / Duplicate DD DD Amount Up to Rs. 50,000 charges Rs. 40/- per DD, Above Rs. 50,000 and up to Rs. 100,000- Rs. 25/-, Above Rs. 100,000- Free Pay Orders (PO) -on HDFC Bank Locations (Issued from Any Branch) / Duplicate PO PO amount Up to Rs. 50,000 charges Rs. 40/- per PO, Above Rs. 50,000 and up to Rs. 100,000 – Rs. 25/-, Above Rs. 100,000- Free Issuance of DD/ PO through Phone Banking: All standard charges for DD / PO are applicable as above. Only DD / PO amount up to Rs 500,000/- are accepted at Phone banking. DD/PO-Cancellation/Revalidation———————————Rs.50/- per instrument NEFT/EFT Transactions: Payments————————Free Collections———————-Free RTGS Transactions: Payments———————–Rs. 100/- per transaction Collections———————-Free Local Transactions (At home branch location) Local cheques collections & payments—————————-Free Account to Account Fund Transfer within HDFC Bank ——-Free Anywhere Transactions (except Dahej) Account to Account Fund Transfer within HDFC Bank Rs.15/- per transaction Payments & Collections at HDFC Bank Locations Free up to Rs. 25 lacs per month, Charges at Rs.1.50/1000, min Rs. 25 Bulk Transaction Charges: All transactions are subject to a maximum of 100 transactions per month, beyond which charges @ Rs.5/- per transaction would be levied. Includes all Local / Anywhere clearing and transfer transactions. Remittance facility through other Bank: Issue of Demand Drafts (DD) / Duplicate DD (Correspondent tie up) ——-Rs.2.00 per Rs.1000/- Minimum Rs.50/- DD-Cancellation / Revalidation————————————-Rs.50/- per instrument Cheque Collection: Outstation through own bank Rs.2.50 per Rs.1, 000/- for Cheques drawn on HDFC Bank Locations, min Rs. 50 per instrument. Outstation through another bank Correspondent bank locations: Rs.4/- per Rs.1, 000/-, min Rs.50/-For Clean locations (non-correspondent bank locations) & Non-MICR Cheques: Rs.6.5/- per Rs.1, 000/-, min Rs 50 (inclusive of courier charge of Rs 25) Cash Transactions 1. Cash Deposit Cash Deposit-Home Branch Location Free up to Rs.3 lacs per month or 25 transactions which ever is lower, Deposit in excess of Rs.3 lacs or 25 transactions will be charged @ Rs.2/- per Rs.1,000/-, minimum Rs.50/-. (Cash deposit at non-home branches within home branch city subject to limit of Rs. 25,000/- per account per day) Cash Deposit -Non Home location Maximum Rs.25, 000/- per day. Charges @ Rs. 3/1000, min Rs. 50 2. Cash Withdrawal Cash Withdrawal-Home Branch———————————-Free at Home Branch Cash Withdrawal-Non Home Branch-Intercity & Intracity Free cash withdrawals up to Rs.25,000/- per day, beyond which charges @ Rs.2/1000, min Rs. 50/- (Only for incremental amount), Third party cash withdrawal allowed only up to maximum Rs.50,000/- per transaction. With HDFC Bank Flexi Current Account your Cash Deposit and Anywhere Transaction limits are a multiple of the balance you maintain in your Current Account. So, during peak seasons, you get the benefit of higher transaction limits due to the higher average balances maintained in your account. What’s more, during lean seasons, you need not bother about maintaining huge balances to enjoy high transaction limits, which you anyway may not need. Flexi Current Account requires you to maintain a minimum Average Monthly Balance (AMB) of just Rs. 75,000. Features & Benefits Enjoy dynamic free limits on Intercity Payments, Collections & Funds Transfer as well as Cash Deposit at home location branches based on the AMB maintained* For example, you maintain an AMB of Rs.2,00,000/- in a particular month. Your dynamic free transaction limits for that month would be as per the following table: [pic] Transaction—————————————Dynamic Free Limits* Cash Deposit at Home Branch Location Anywhere Payments, Collections & Funds Transfer (except Dahej) Free up to Rs.1, 00, 00,000/- in that particular month Pay your vendors on a real time basis using Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) available across 23,000 Bank Branches*. What’s more, payments and collections through RTGS are completely free! Make and receive remittances to & from your vendors & customers across 20,000 + Bank Branches of more than 50 Banks through Net Banking using National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT), Absolutely Free! Free 40 Demand Drafts & Free 40 Pay Orders issued from any HDFC Bank Branch* Convenience to withdraw and deposit cash at all our branches*. Competitive pricing on Demand Drafts drawn on Correspondent Banking Locations as well as Outstation Cheque Collection at HDFC Bank Locations InstaAlert service – receive updates on your account as and when the select transaction happens – all this without visiting the Branch or ATM! The top position is always the coveted position. With the Apex current account, take your business to a new high. On maintaining an average quarterly balance of Rs. 10 lakhs, this account makes sure you make the most of every business opportunities coming your way. Unlimited, free, anywhere Banking experience at the APEX is reserved for you. Features & Benefits Maximum transactional benefits with faster mobilization of funds Average quarterly balance requirement of Rs. 10, 00,000/- Access to more than 750 branches Huge cost savings in inter-city transactions for payable-at-par cheque issuance, funds transfers, NEFT, RTGS or Demand Draft / Pay Order Faster collection of outstation cheques Free Intercity Cheque Collection & Payments within HDFC Bank Network (excluding Dahej). Free Account to Account funds transfer between HDFC Bank accounts. Free payment and collection through RTGS Free payment and collection using NEFT (through NetBanking) Free Demand Drafts which can be issued from any HDFC Bank branch Free Pay Orders which can be issued from any HDFC Bank branch Convenience to withdraw and deposit cash at all our branches* Free Cash Deposit up to Rs. 100 lacs per month across all home branches (subject to a maximum of 50 transactions per month and a per day limit of Rs.1,00,000/- on cash deposit at a non home branch) Choice of local / Payable at Par Cheques. Free 500 leaves per month Register for InstaAlert service and receive updates on your account as and when the select transaction happens – all this without visiting the branch or ATM! . Fees and Charges for Apex Current Account:[pic] Minimum Balance (Average Quarterly Balance)Rs. 10, 00,000/- per quarter Non-Maintenance Charges per quarter:Charge of Rs.5,000/- per quarter if AQB is less than Rs.10,00,000 but greater than or equal to Rs. 5,00,000/-; Rs.10,000/- per quarter if AQB is less than Rs. 5,00,000/- Cheque Book Charges (Issued By Bank) ——–Payable-at-par 500 cheque leaves free per month. Charges Rs 2/- per leaf beyond 500 leaves Other Current Account Facilities Issue of Duplicate / Adhoc StatementRs. 100 at Branch, Rs. 30 per statement through Net Banking and Phone Banking (IVR), Rs. 50 per statement through Phone Banking (non-IVR), ATM and Mobile Banking Mode of calculation of minimum average quarterly balanceAverage of daily closing balances of each day spread over a period of three months Remittance facility through own Bank Demand Drafts (DD) Payable at HDFC Bank Locations (Issued from Any branch)/ Duplicate DDFree without limit Pay Orders (PO) – on HDFC Bank Location (Issued from Any branch)/ Duplicate PO Free without limit Issuance of DD / PO through Phone Banking————-Free without limit Only DD amount up to Rs. 5, 00,000 for Current Apex Account holders accepted at Phone Banking DD/PO-Cancellation/Revalidation———Rs.50/- per instrument NEFT/EFT Transactions: Payments————-Free Collections————Free RTGS Transactions: Payments————-Free Collections————Free Local Transactions (At home branch location) Local cheques collections & payments——————————Free Account to Account Fund Transfer within HDFC Bank———-Free Anywhere Transactions (except Dahej) Account-to-Account Fund Transfer within HDFC Bank—————————Free Clearing Transactions-Collections &Payment at HDFC Bank locations—-Free Bulk Transaction Charges: All transactions are subject to a maximum of 500 transactions per month, beyond which charges @ Rs.5/- per transaction would be levied. Includes all Local / Anywhere clearing and funds transfer transactions. Remittance facility through other Bank Issue of Demand Drafts (DD) / Duplicate DD (Correspondent tie up)———-Free up to Rs 15 Lacs per month, beyond which charges of Rs. 1.50 per 1000, Minimum Rs. 50/- per instrument DD-Cancellation / Revalidation————-Rs.50/- per instrument Cheque Collection Outstation Cheque collection on HDFC Bank Locations—————-Free Outstation Cheque Collection on non-branch locationsCorrespondent bank locations: Rs.3/- per Rs.1, 000/-, min Rs. 50/-. For Clean locations (non-correspondent bank locations) & non-MICR cheques: Rs 4.5/- per Rs 1000/-, min of Rs 50 per transaction (includes courier charges) Cash Transactions 1. Cash Deposit Cash Deposit-Home Branch CityFree up to Rs. 100 Lakh per month or 50 Transactions whichever is lower. Deposit in excess of Rs. 100 Lakh per month or 50 transactions will be charged @ Rs.1/- per Rs. 1000/-, minimum Rs.50/-. (Cash deposit at non- home branches within home branch city subject to limit of Rs.1,00,000/- per account per day) Cash Deposit – Non Home Branch City Charges @ Rs 3 per Rs 1000/-, minimum of Rs 50 per transaction. (Maximum deposit allowed up to Rs 1, 00,000/- per day) 2. Cash Withdrawal Cash Withdrawal-Home Branch———–Free. Cash Withdrawal-Non Home Branch-Intercity & IntracityFree cash withdrawals up to Rs.2,00,000/- per day, beyond which charges @ Rs. 2/- per Rs.1000/-, min Presenting maximum benefits and minimum hassles for you with Max Current Account! With a Rs. 5 lakhs average quarterly balance requirement, we present to you a world of privileges that helps your business expand and grow. Features like maximum free transaction limits including other beneficial features on this current account truly enhances your business potential to the Maximum. Features & Benefits Maximum transactional benefits with faster mobilization of funds Average quarterly balance requirement of Rs. 5, 00,000/- Access to more than 750 branches Huge cost savings in inter-city transactions for payable-at-par cheque issuance, funds transfers, NEFT, RTGS or Demand Draft / Pay Order Faster collection of outstation cheques: Free Account to Account funds transfer between HDFC Bank accounts Free payment and collection through RTGS Free payment and collection using NEFT (through Net Banking) Free Demand Drafts which can be issued from any HDFC Bank branch Free Pay Orders which can be issued from any HDFC Bank branch Free anywhere collection & payment (clearing) up to Rs. 5 Crore per month within HDFC Bank branch network (except Dahej) Convenience to withdraw and deposit cash at all our branches* Free cash deposit up to Rs. 50 Lakh per month across all home branches (subject to a maximum of 50 transactions per month and a per day limit of Rs.1, 00,000/- on cash deposit at a non home branch) Choice of local / Payable at Par cheques. 500 leaves free per month Register for InstaAlert service and receive updates on your account as and when the select transaction happens – all this without visiting the branch or ATM! Fees and Charges for Max Current Account †¢ [pic]Description of Charges Minimum Balance (Average Quarterly Balance) ——–Rs. 5, 00,000/- per quarter †¢ Non-Maintenance Charges per quarter Charge of Rs.3,000/- per quarter if AQB is less than Rs.5,00,000 but greater than or equal to Rs. 2,50,000/-; Rs.8,000/- per quarter if AQB is less than Rs. 2,50,000/- Cheque Book Charges (Issued by Bank) 500 cheques leave Free per month. Charges Rs. 2/- per leaf beyond 500 leaves †¢ Other Current Account facilities Issue of Duplicate / Adhoc Statement Rs. 100 at Branch, Rs. 30 per statement through Net Banking & Phone Banking (IVR), Rs. 50 per statement through Phone Banking (non-IVR), ATM & Mobile Banking Mode of Calculation of Minimum Average Quarterly Balance Average of daily closing balances of each day spread over a period of 3 months. Remittance facility through own Bank: Demand Drafts (DD) Payable at HDFC Bank Locations (Issued from Any branch)/ Duplicate DD Free without limit Pay Orders (PO) – on HDFC Bank Locations (Issued from Any branch)/ Duplicate PO Free without limit Issuance of DD / PO through Phone Banking Free without limit Only DD amount up to Rs. 5, 00,000 for Current Max Accountholders accepted at Phone Banking. DD/PO-Cancellation/Revalidation———— Rs.50/- per instrument NEFT/EFT Transactions: Payments——————————-Free Collections——————————Free RTGS Transactions: Payments——————————–Free Collections——————————-Free Local Transactions (At home branch location) Local cheques collections & payments——————————————Free Account to Account Fund Transfer within HDFC Bank———————–Free Anywhere Transactions (except Dahej) Account to Account Funds Transfer within HDFC Bank————————–Free Payments & Collections at HDFC Bank Locations (except Dahej) Free up to Rs. 500 Lakh per month, beyond which charges @ Rs. 0.50/1000, min Rs.25/-. †¢ Bulk Transaction Charges All transactions are subject to a maximum of 300 transactions per month, beyond which charges @ Rs.5/- per transaction would be levied. Includes all Local / Anywhere clearing and funds transfer transactions. †¢ Remittance facility through other Bank Issue of Demand Drafts (DD) / Duplicate DD (Correspondent tie up) Rs. 1.50 per 1000, Minimum Rs. 50/- per instrument DD-Cancellation / Revalidation—————————–Rs.50/- per instrument †¢ Cheque Collection Outstation through own bank——————————–Free †¢ Outstation through another bank Correspondent bank locations: Rs.3/- per Rs.1, 000/-, min Rs. 50/-. For Clean locations (non-correspondent bank locations) & Non-MICR Cheques: Rs. 4.5 per Rs.1, 000/-, min Rs. 50/- (inclusive of courier charge) Cash Transactions 1. Cash Deposit Cash Deposit-Home Branch City Free up to Rs. 50 Lakh per month or 50 Transactions whichever is lower. Deposit in excess of Rs. 50 Lakh per month or 50 transactions will be charged @ Rs.1/- per Rs. 1000/-, minimum Rs.50/-. (Cash deposit at non- home branches within home branch location subject to limit of Rs.1, 00,000/- per account per day) Cash Deposit – Non Home City Maximum Rs.1, 00,000/- per day. Charges @ Rs.3/- per Rs.1,000/-, minimum Rs. 50/- 2. Cash Withdrawal Cash Withdrawal-Home Branch———————–Free at Home Branch Cash Withdrawal-Non Home Branch-Intracity & Intracity Free cash withdrawals up to Rs. 1,00,00/- per day, beyond which charges @ Rs. 2/- per Rs.1000/-, min Rs.50/- (Only for incremental amount), Third party cash withdrawal allowed only up to maximum Rs.50,000/- per transaction. 2.8 MARKET PROFILE OF THE ORGANIZATION: Company Profile:HDFC Bank Limited Ticker:500180 Exchanges:OTH BOM 2008 Sales:124,140,000,000 Major Industry:Financial Sub Industry:Commercial Banks Country:INDIA Employees:37836 3.1 STUDENT’S WORK PROFILE (ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES): I have completed my summer taining in HDFC Bank Limited as a SALES EXECUTIVE. During this training I played some roles and responsibilities are as: ROLE- I have worked as a sales Executive in sales department in HDFC Bank Ltd. My role was to buildup better relationship with Customers. HDFC Bank expects its employees to take up the work of opening current account in their respective locations. My main role was to contact customers and make deal for opening current account, in meeting with customers I represent a demo to customer for current account, are as: RESPONSIBILITIES- †¢ To generate leads for the Bank. †¢ To buildup better relationship with customers. †¢ To increase the sales of the Bank. †¢ To provide awareness about the current account. †¢ To achieve company’s target. 3.2 DESCRIPTION OF LIVE EXPERIENCE: Working with HDFC Bank It was a nice experience. When I entered into the bank, I was very nerves. However after entering I knew the real mean of working with the big organization. We need to follow the rules and regulations of the company. Coming at the exact time in the bank is very important. These things are very important which we need to learn : †¢ How should behave in the organization? †¢ How behave and coordinate with the customer? †¢ How we need to talk to our Boss, our superior and colleges? Working with the HDFC I increased my communication skills. Also I knew the Importance of the coordination among all the employees. All the employees are working as a team. When I was new, the entire employees helped me to learn the work culture HDFC Bank. In this company my work is to buildup the relationship with customers and to provide leads to the company for opening current account and making relationship with the bank. In present time the customers are not very well aware about the HDFC’s products. 3.3 STUDENT CONTRIBUTION TO ORGANIZATION: In this Company I am working as a Sales Executive. In this Organization my role is to buildup better relationship with Customers, and I promote the current account. My contribution towards this organization like: †¢ I provide leads everyday for opening current account. †¢ I make good relationship between Bank and customers. †¢ I provide awareness about the current account through some demos and calling. †¢ I help in making some useful marketing strategies. 1. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT : A questionnaire was prepared with the relevant questions consisting mainly of closed end questions especially dichotomous type which offered the respondents between only two alternatives either (Yes/No). The respondents were personally met and the collection of information was properly administered to avoid non-respondent error. The primary data is collected by cold calling from respected place of branch. The data is collected by using a questionnaire, which is given as an Appendix at the end of this report. 2. SOURCE OF DATA : The study is based on both primary and secondary data. Most of the findings are based on the data collection through interaction with customers. A structured disguised questionnaire is prepared together the information. Close as well as open-ended questions are asked. Some multiple-choice questions are also included. 3. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY: Main Methodology -: Collection of Primary data (Consumer and Market Research) through Personal Questionnaires & Collection of Secondary Data (Study of various Current Account) through Computer Data, Web sites, Books and Magazines. FIELDWORK: The respondents are personally interviewed, for about 3 to 5 minutes on an average to collect the data. The format prepared beforehand was strictly adhered to. Though it was sufficient in itself and could be matched to prospective respondents, personal interviews are conducted to be able to make first hand observation that would reveal some useful information about the subject of study. RESEARCH ANALYSIS: After the collection of data I have categorize the data into – †¢ Primary Data †¢ Secondary Data As we know the data collected in primary mode is more reliable in the comparison of secondary data. So we depend more on the primary data. SOURCES OF PRIMARY DATA: †¢ Survey †¢ Personal SOURCES OF SECONDARY DATA: †¢ Through internet †¢ Branch manager approvals †¢ Personal vehicle dealers †¢ Brochure of the bank 4. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS: The Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited was introduced in 1994, after the Reserve Bank of India approved private sector banking. Operating in over 300 Indian cities, HDFC Bank has over 700 branches and 1600 ATMs. It offers personal, NRI and wholesale banking services. Net profit for the March 2006-2007 reached Rs. 1,141.5 crore. In early 2007, HDFC officially entered the microfinance market and opened branches that provide funding to self-help microfinance group. After finding primary and secondary data I find: 1. Customers don’t know about the advantage of our current account. 2. Customers are less aware about the benefits Providing Company. 3. Customers have no more knowledge about the HDFC Bank limited. 4. HDFC reduces the complexity of current account. 5. HDFC provides best way to earn more profit. 6. HDFC is beneficial for making profit and various types of works. 7. The procedure of HDFC is very easy. [pic] 1. SUMMARY OF LEARNING EXPERENCE: HDFC Ltd has the objective to enhance residential housing stock and promote home ownership. Their offerings range from hassle-free home loans and deposit products, to property related services and a training facility. They also offer specialized financial services to the customer base through partnerships with some of the best financial institutions worldwide. HDFC Bank began operations in 1995 with a simple mission: to be a â€Å"World-class Indian Bank†. We realized that only a single-minded focus on product quality and service excellence would help us get there. Today, we are proud to say that we are well on our way towards that goal. It is extremely gratifying that our efforts towards providing customer convenience have been appreciated both nationally and internationally. So that I learn many important things from HDFC and market are as: 1. I have gained live experience of marketing. 2. I find all types of help from my training in charge. 3. I have gained knowledge in the field of HDFC. 4. I find there are many customers are not aware about the HDFC. 5. I find there are lots of opportunities in the Banking Sector. 2. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Conclusion HDFC Ltd has the objective to enhance residential housing stock and promote home ownership. Their offerings range from hassle-free home loans and deposit products, to property related services and a training facility. They also offer specialized financial services to the customer base through partnerships with some of the best financial institutions worldwide. HDFC Bank began operations in 1995 with a simple mission: to be a â€Å"World-class Indian Bank†. We realized that only a single-minded focus on product quality and service excellence would help us get there. Today, we are proud to say that we are well on our way towards that goal. It is extremely gratifying that our efforts towards providing customer convenience have been appreciated both nationally and internationally. . Besides we also have a dedicated technical team as well as customer care services and its procedure is also very simple. Recommendations 1. To provides awareness about Current Account and its uses to customers. 2. To open maximum and Big accounts for getting more profit. 3. To target not only metro cities, target all big and small city or village. 4. To build the customer relationship 5. To improve its marketing strategies 6. To improve its selling process [pic] COPY OF QUESTIONNAIRE: 1. Are you aware about Current Account? a. Yes b. No 2. Are you aware about current account providing HDFC Bank? a. Yes b. No 3. Are you aware about HDFC Bank Limited? a. Yes b. No 4. Are you aware about the procedure of Current Account? a. Yes b. No 5. Is HDFC reduces the complexity of Current Account procedure? a. Yes b. No 6. Is HDFC provides you cheap and best way to earn money and to make you a independent owner? a. Yes b. No 7. Are you aware about the profit volume ratio doing business with HDFC? a. Yes b. No 8. Are you interested to open current account in HDFC Bank ? a. Yes b. No BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. 2. 3. 4. Business Today 5. India Today [pic] ———————– Sales Executive Team Leader Sales Manager Area Sales Manager Area Sales Head Regional Sales Manager Zonal Sales Manager National Sales Manager