Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Project on Recent Developments in Marketing Management Essay

intention on Recent Developments in Marketing Management - Essay ExampleSome advanced features confuse been added to the selling management techniques by the companies which helped them to bring their business in preliminary of global throng. Some late developments in marketing management offer various opportunities in business which contributed a lot for future. The new economic crisis has been faced by almost completely the companies who be involved in global businesses and that is the briny reason why the companies are trying to bring some developments in their marketing management techniques (Lee, 2001). most of the companies were dependent on manual marketing techniques like newspaper, Television advertising, radio etc but it was found that the companies were entirely able to attract their local customers through these marketing techniques and they were able to promote their products in local people. It was preferably difficult for them to reach the potential customer s of other countries and they were facing trouble in their business. The modern marketing techniques are mostly based on internet. Internet is a great source to reach global people at a very low cost. The modern inventions of take care engines have changed the way to find training related to every business a lot. the great unwashed can make their decision in a very short time and quite easily with the help of these search engines. The search engines can bequeath the detailed information on every business by entering a suitable search term which is often called as keywords. The most popular search engine Google can find all related results to the search term entered (Chaffey, 2001). People can natter the websites of the businesses which is searched by Google and they can make their decision. Website is a great way for the business owners to reach global people as the websites are not restrict within a city or country. People from either country can visit the websites from any o ther country. There are some other developments in marketing management too. Today, people of a particular country can watch the television channels of another country which is quite a good way for marketing. People can watch the advertisements of the products of foreign countries and they can order for them. The online shopping system is quite popular now-a-day and people can buy every involvement sitting in their home by enjoin through internet or telephone. It helped people a lot to buy products from foreign companies. The best thing about internet marketing is it is quite cheap. If we look at the earlier days we can turn back that the companies used to spend a lot of money in order to promote their business. The earlier sources of marketing like television, newspaper, radio etc charged a huge amount of money to place the advertisements of the companies and their products and it was not attainable for the small and medium train companies to afford the amount of money but tod ay, the companies can post their advertisements, details of their products in numerous social bookmarking websites for free and a major portion of modern people visit these websites in a daily basis. So, this technique seems to be very useful for small and medium level companies who do not have enough money to promote their businesses through television, newspaper and other sources. People are quite tech savvy today and they like to spend hours sitting in front of computer and surfing internet. There are lots of social networking

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